Intersectional solidarity from Syrians to noble causes of liberation around the world.

About Intersectional Syria

Syrian solidarity with causes across the world, and most pertinently with the Palestinian cause which we are deeply intertwined with culturally, socially and historically, is rooted in an ever expansive quest for liberation and freedom.

This platform seeks to serve as a space of continuous learning and solidarity between Syrians and other nations struggling for liberation and self-determination from oppressive regimes and settler colonial states.

For too long, causes have been abused and exploited by ideological groups, oppressive regimes and grifters – who seek to separate and sow seeds of discords among nations united in purpose and values.

Intersectional Syria serves to empower causes of liberation through one another, as opposed to against each other, believing ultimately – that to survive our unique and collective contexts – we are in need of intentional, attentive, intersectional solidarity.

“People should not understand solidarity as a manifestation of individual, group or partial interests. Solidarity should not be built solely on the basis of the consideration that we have the same suffering. Not because of enthusiasm, just to realise the goal of mutual success. But because everyone should have an awareness of respect for higher human values, namely to fight for the principles of truth and justice.” 

Titon Rahmawan
  • Statement of Free Syrians in solidarity with the Palestinian people

    We, Syrians united in the revolutionary struggle against the Assad regime and its imperialist sponsors, stand firmly and unequivocally with the Palestinian people in Gaza, the West Bank and across historic Palestine, in their fight for liberation from Israeli colonisation, occupation and apartheid.  The scale of the current violence in Gaza is unprecedented. A besieged…

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  • بيان: السوريون الأحرار متضامنون مع الشعب الفلسطيني

    نحن، أبناء الشعب السوري الذين التمّوا متوحّدين حول واجب الثورة ونداءها ضد نظام الأسد وداعميه الإمبرياليين، نعلن موقفنا الراسخ والصريح بالتضامن مع الشعب الفلسطيني في غزة والضفة الغربية وجميع أنحاء فلسطين التاريخية في نضالهم في سبيل التحرّر مما فرضه الكيان الصهيوني من استعمار واحتلال و”أبارتهايد”. تشهد غزة اليوم مستوياتٍ غير مسبوقةٍ من العنف، وأهلها يعيشون…

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